Wednesday, 25 July 2012

USDA - Inoculum of bulb crop pathogens

In it, there are the following sections that reference the use of Chlorine Dioxide:
"Jan to Dec 2005: Two field trials were conducted to compare the effectiveness of standard fungicides to several new reduced risk materials in controlling foliar diseases on ornamental bulb crops. Trials indicated that applications of 26GT, Daconil Ultrex, and Insignia significantly reduced the development leaf spot (Mycosphaerella macrospore) on bulbous iris even when disease pressure was very high when the initial application was made. On Asiatic lilies, applications of Insignia, Medallion, Switch, 26GT, and Daconil Ultrex also provided effective control of Botrytis leaf spot (Botrytis elliptica) under high disease pressure. A trial was also conducted to determine the effectiveness of several bulb dip fungicide treatments in controlling blue mold (Penicillium corymbieferum) on tulips in storage. The results from this trial confirmed our previous research that showed that Medallion has the potential to provide effective control of this disease. Previously, we have shown that exposure of bulbs to chlorine dioxide gas during storage also has the potential to reduce the development of blue mold. A preliminary trial conducted this past year indicates that coating bulbs with solid phase formulations of chlorine dioxide maybe as effective as gas applications of this material in controlling the development of blue mold."
 "Jan to Dec 2003: Annually, about 130 ha of field-grown bulbous iris are produced in western Washington. The production of bulbs and cut flowers from this crop has an estimated value of $3.4 to 5.6 million. Leaf spot or fire, caused by Mycosphaerella macrospora, is the most important foliar disease on this crop. Two trials were conducted to compare the efficacy of several standard and newer reduced risk fungicides for their ability to control leaf spot on two-year-old plantings of Saturnus and Apollo iris. Applications of Compass 50W (trifloxystrobin), Daconil Ultrex 82.5WP (chlorothalonil), Decree 50WDG (fenhexamid), Heritage 50WG (azoxystrobin), Insignia 20WP (pyraclostrobin), Medallion 50WP (fludioxonil), Phyton-27 (copper sulfate), Switch 62.5WG (cyprodinil + fludioxonil), and 26GT 23.3 (iprodione) were applied to plants at approximately 14 day intervals from 12 February through 21 May, 2003. The plot design was a randomized complete block with three blocks per cultivar containing 5 feet of row per treatment. Disease pressure was high during late May and early June. On Apollo iris, applications of Insignia, Heritage and 26GT provided excellent disease control and reduced the rate of foliage dieback in June. Insignia and Heritage also provided excellent disease control on Saturnus iris. Applications of Medallion, Daconil Ultrex, and 26GT also reduced the level of disease compared to the unsprayed check. Previous work on this project has also shown that exposure of inocula of Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. narcissi, Penicillium corymbiferum and Rhodococcus fascians on glass coverslips to various concentrations of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas for one hour at 20C had a significant effect of inocula viability. Exposure of inocula to 5 ppm chlorine dioxide (the lowest rate tested) reduced viability by 79 to 100%. At 10 ppm, 92 to 100% of the inocula were killed. A series of tests were conducted to determine the effects of exposing tulip bulbs to controlled release applications of ClO2 gas for 3 weeks during precooling on the development of Penicillium blue mold. When held in air, 50 to 80% of the bulbs had blue mold, depending on cultivar. Exposing bulbs to 2 mg of ClO2 per day in an 18 liter container significantly reduced the development of this disease."
 "Jan to Dec 2002: Inoculum of a number of ornamental bulb crop pathogens can be carried on the surface of bulbs, contributing to the spread and buildup of diseases during storage and production. Management of these diseases is generally based on a combination of cultural practices, environmental manipulations, and the application of fungicides. Recently there has been an increased interest in using general biocides or disinfectants as part of the growers overall disease management program. There are several types of disinfectants being used to kill inoculum of various pathogens in the food processing industry and various agricultural production systems. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is being used increasingly as a replacement for chlorine to kill microorganisms in drinking water and various meat and fruit/vegetable processing facilities. In most instances, aqueous solutions of ClO2 are generated on site. During the past two years a series of experiments have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of controlled release applications of ClO2 gas to kill inoculum of several bulb pathogens. During these studies, we have examined the effect of a one-hour exposure to varying levels of ClO2 gas on the survival of inoculum of five pathogens. Inoculum of each pathogen was deposited onto a glass surface and then exposed to ClO2 gas at 20C for one hour. The effect of the gas on inoculum viability was then assessed in the laboratory. Exposure of inoculum of Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria alternate, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. narcissi, and Penicillium spp. to 5 ppm ClO2 gas killed virtually all of the inoculum of these pathogens. Cells of the bacterium Rhodococcus fascians, which can occur on lily bulbs, required about 25 ppm ClO2 gas to kill this pathogen. Studies are currently underway to determine the effects of the exposure of tulip bulbs during precooling to ClO2 gas on the development of Penicillium blue mold and growth of the tulips. Preliminary data from these trials indicate that exposure of the bulbs to low levels of ClO2 significantly reduced the severity of blue mold that developed during precooling. The effect of the ClO2 on plant growth will be assessed during 2003."

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